Friday, October 21, 2005


the beginning of beanie days

There are very few places in this world where one feels at home. We split our lives in different places. Ther are a certain set of people we meet in each place, set of books that we read, set of music that we listen to, places we frequent and phases that we go through. The last 8 months in pune has been ecstasic. I close my eyes and can see a little round table meant for three. The lush green lawns and the heart warming ambience of barista.The beginning of a relationship with two of the most wonderful people. There are enough different types of people to make you wonder if variety is an understatement.I cared and I loved the city and am still not over it.There were times when i wondered i would ever survive away from it. Now that i have attempted a move, I wonder more and i see that in strange faces i recognise once i know. I have a pune hangover, not that i weep tears in my morning tea but i do shout excitedly when i see a Mathur delivering food or a vehicle with a MH registration.
Yes. I have just arrived. Found a place to stay. The scortching sun rips through you to reveal the summers of chennai. Now i would be expected to watch Rajinikanth movies among other madrasi activities. The Marina and the masala doas would be a part of it. The flavour of my previous world still rules my little room !The saved chocolate wrappers, the diaries that witnessed my days the little hippo which managed to find a place in my bed, the presence of istylish leather hand bag ,the cell phone that has captured moments, my little scooty which still craves for the not so perfect roads and hello i have a orange beanie add a cool look to my fuzzy world.

You never might just turn out to be perfect once more.
"Temporary Well Being"

The pond is plenteous
The land is lush,
And having turned off the news
I am for the moment mellow.

With my book in one hand
And my drink in the other
What more could I want

But fame,
Better health,
And ten million dollars?

-- Kenneth Burke

wishign you fame, better health and ten million dollars... enjoy singara chennai.
Welcome to hell. For a person who has been manufactured in MH , this TN is sure at best hell. Its been the most painful places I have come across, only solace being I am happy in the confines of my campus. As far as marina is considered the only thing you will manage to experience is the army of beggers which might put even the mighty People's Liberation Army to shame (in nos. od course). Not to mention the inherant difficulties in striking up a semblance of communication with people in non-tam languages and the very noticiable eye-raising as if a great crime has been commited........So now you know where you the way I know only two words of tam........tamil teriyad ........
The beginning of a relationship with two of the most wonderful people.

I think i know what you mean...
hows the little scooty handling the flooded roads from all the rains? :)
hey gaurav... if you hate TN so much then get out. Nobody asked you to come here and if you are pissed that tams dont speak hindi, here is the reason - we dont care, the same reason why people in London or LA dont speak the damn language. btw, I have nothing against northies, though I do find a disproportionate number of morons amongst you folks.
droppped by ..
pune pune pune... who dosent miss that place !!!
no blogs for long babe!! update :)
Hey there,

Good blog...keep it going. You dont need to write about personal stuff on your blog.But just keep it going...simply because you write really well..drip, squish, drop rain, blog...hahah

love and junk,
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nice blog u have there.. keep on posting
good 1!
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