Friday, April 15, 2005


the poetess in me!

arghh! abck to the accent neutralisation program! well last time the prg atleast helped me in showing off my knowledge to my dad! This time..with all those recordings..i am sure to go crazy! heres a bit of my craziness! So what all did i do today...
walked miles
slept twice
grew wise
munched ice
there flies
another day in paradise.

grew wise?? u sure?? :P
You always liked poems....
so no wonder...
are you a zombie?? really???
Really creative poem. u oughta start a new genre of poetry, call it "Sumiku" on lines of Haiku :-)
> walked miles
good exercise

> slept twice
good for eyes

> grew wise

> munched ice
very nice

> there flies
> another day in paradise.
the lyricist tries
to pen something in a thrice.
:D :D
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »
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